Let’s Make 2024 The Year Of Data Privacy As A Differentiator
Let’s make 2024 the year of data privacy as a differentiator. But let’s also make it happen way faster than the “year of mobile.” (That took, like, a decade.)
Let’s make 2024 the year of data privacy as a differentiator. But let’s also make it happen way faster than the “year of mobile.” (That took, like, a decade.)
How would you describe the state of privacy in the ad tech industry? “In one word: fragmented,” says Tony Katsur, CEO of the IAB Tech Lab.
ID5 is integrating its ID graph into The Trade Desk’s Identity Alliance. And European publishers partnered with ID5 can apply EUID for logged-in traffic.
Despite their perilous position, some companies still aren’t preparing for the end of third-party cookies. But the lack of testing isn’t because they aren’t concerned.
UK-based publisher LADbible Group is testing post-cookie alternatives and building its contextual targeting capabilities. But the social-first publisher has yet to be convinced that any of these alternatives will be a truly viable replacement for the much-maligned – and yet still widely used – third-party cookie.
The Competition and Transparency in Digital Advertising Act, the American Data Privacy and Protection Act and efforts to change Google’s and Apple’s mobile advertising practices would force companies to adopt new practices and technologies to understand and act on consumer identity. Mathieu Roche, co-founder and CEO at ID5, dives into each initiative and its implications.
The emergence of large-scale data and identity resolution platforms with audience graphs across devices and households is a major step forward to helping reclaim control over reach and frequency. But there’s no single solution to the problem, writes Seraj Bharwani, chief strategy officer at AcuityAds.
When people decline tracking cookies or use already-cookieless browsers, such as Safari and Firefox, it can prevent brands from reaching potential customers who may be interested in seeing their ads. In an effort to tackle this addressability challenge, IBM recently ran a test campaign focused on retargeting B2B prospects across Safari and iOS in partnership with MediaMath and alternative identity provider ID5. IBM and MediaMath are longtime partners, but this test was the first time IBM worked with ID5.
What happens when your main monetization partner starts flagging your content as spam? Freecycle turned to header bidding to reduce its reliance on Google AdSense, but the company’s one-person engineering team had trouble managing the header-bidding system and the constant stream of Prebid updates on top of web development duties. So, after a 70% drop in ad revenue, Freecycle handed its digital ad business over to PubWise’s managed service.
The word “cookieless” crops up in virtually every conversation about the future of online identity. But what exactly do people mean when they say “cookieless”? Although the definition seems simple enough – the absence of cookies – it lacks the nuance to encompass the true complexity of signal loss. It’s also a misnomer.